Category: News

  • WIGHTO AGM Friday 16th August 2024

    The 2024 Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday 16th August at Calbourne Community Centre, School Lane, Calbourne at 7.30pm (until 9pm). All WIGHTO members are requested to be present at the club’s Annual General Meeting. Much needs to be discussed by as many members as possible once reports have been heard. Including: BOF […]

  • Christmas Event & Membership Renewal

    Hi Everyone, for this year’s Christmas event we are returning back to Borthwood Copse having been to Golden Hill for the past two years. Parking will be at the Queens Bower dairy, follow signs directing you there. Registration from 10.15/12.00. Start times 10.30/12.00. Course closes 1.00pm.Entry fees as normal. This will be the traditional score […]

  • WIGHTO AGM 14th July 2023

    The 2023 Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday 14th July at Calbourne Community Centre, School Lane, Calbourne at 7.30pm.

  • WIGHTO Membership Form 2024

    Membership form for joining Wight Orienteers as a club-only member for 2023 2024. Click here to view/download membership form (pdf).

  • Mottistone Event 16th April 2023: message from club chairman

    Hi Everyone, this is just a quick reminder of next orienteering event to be held at Mottistone Common, The Longstone & Mottistone Downs on Sunday 16th April.It was great to see so many of you at Ian’s event in Firestone Copse last month & hope you can all make it to Trevor’s forthcoming event next […]

  • WIGHTO AGM Minutes 2022

    Minutes from WIGHTO AGM for 2022

  • Future Events & Chairman’s Report 2022

    Hi everyone. The clubs AGM took place on 19th August as arranged. The following members where elected  & re-elected an form the clubs committee for 2023 Chairman : Peter Bartlett .   Secretary;  Carol Taverner.  Treasurer; Brian Bailey. Mapping Officer    ; Christopher Pritchett. Fixtures Secretary; Glyn Williams. Event Registration; Sue Williams & Eileen Hollingshed. After […]

  • Rescheduled AGM – 19th August 2022

    Hi everyone. It was unfortunate that the AGM had to be cancelled last month, however it has now been re-scheduled, and will take place as before on Friday 19th August at Calbourne Community Centre, School Lane, Calbourne at 7.30pm. The club has managed to survive the pandemic but I can’t emphasise enough how important it […]

  • Future Events Summer 2022 – Quiz Walk & AGM

    UPDATED 27th JUNE 2022 Hi everyone. I am pleased to confirm the following events to put in your diaries! Saturday 2nd July, Evening Quiz Walk, from The Sun Inn, Calbourne. The annual quiz walk will be in the village of Calbourne & surrounding countryside. The route is approximately 1½ – 2 miles & should take […]

  • WIGHTO Membership Form 2022

    Membership form for joining Wight Orienteers as a club-only member for 2022. Click here to view/download membership form (pdf).