RESULTS: Mottistone Common 5th May 2024

Results for the orienteering event held at Mottistone Common on Sunday 5th May 2024.

Click here to view the results in pdf format

Planner’s Report

It was pleasing to see a good turnout on Sunday. I think my idea of showing the courses before people entered, helped them to choose a more challenging course than they might otherwise have done.
This was born out by the fact that green had the largest entry. The feed back was that all seem to have enjoyed the courses.
Thanks to Eileen, Sue, Glyn and Pete for their valuable help.
Hope to see you at the next event at a new venue.
Brian Bailey

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Dan Williams
Dan maintains this website for Wight Orienteers. As a keen runner, he can sometimes be found orienteering at events on the Isle of Wight. Find out more about Dan and his running here.

